I want to be very clear and transparent in response to what is occurring in our collective experience, because I feel it is essential to speak on this…I want to share some of my beliefs and where I stand, so you can know me better through my values. What is happening is not new, it has been going on for hundreds of years, but the lies, greed, misuse of power, and illusions are finally being exposed.

I am fortunate to have a soul-level understanding of the current state of our world and all the violence, pain, and destruction we are witnessing. I hold this wisdom and knowing, while also having a human experience of what is unfolding. I experience and honor both my soul and human awareness.

While I understand, on a soul-level, destruction is necessary right now, simultaneously, I do not condone violence, greed, hatred of or causing suffering for any group of people, treating humans and animals as commodities, over-consumption and the unnecessary rape and pillaging of our Earth and her resources.

What do I envision for the world?

I believe in a world where people of all skin colors, ethnicities, and backgrounds have a right to thrive, have a right to live and love in peace, have a right to education, have a right to a safe home and working environment. I believe all people have a right to a living wage that makes paying bills easy, while also being able to fully enjoy life.

I believe in a world where we see skin color and value it. Where we value our differences and how they make us stronger and able to problem solve with more diverse brains. Where people of all skin colors have platforms, can safely use their voices, and share their cultures with all of us, in a way that honors their traditions and to be respected for their contributions and craft.

I believe in a world where women are safe to go for a run at night, are safe to hike alone, can easily access safe reproductive health. I believe in a world where it is safe for women, trans people, and people of color to exist and take up space in their own lives. I believe in a world where we celebrate and honor all bodies, all shapes, all sizes, and all abilities, and all expressions.

I believe in a world where ALL people are housed and have fresh, clean drinking water, and access to food. I believe in a world where ALL beings have innate dignity and worth and no person can determine that another person is less than. I believe in a world where it is safe for people to be their authentic selves.

I believe in a world of equity, in which we understand different people have different needs and our varying needs do not make us better or less than anyone else. I believe in a world where we honor people’s unique needs and do our best as a community to provide for all levels of need.

I believe in a world where children are safe, supported, and educated in a way that honors their creative and curious exploration and individual learning styles. I believe in a world where children are at the center and cared for as a community. I believe in a world where children are emotionally regulated and understand their emotions and their bodies and how to care for them well. I believe in a world where children can play carefree.

I believe in a world where consenting adults get to decide how to engage with their own bodies and with each other. I believe in a world where it is not my business or anyone else’s what consenting adults do in their own homes, as long as it is not harming others who have not consented.

I believe in a world of peace, where weapons of mass destruction do not exist. Where it is considered a crime against humanity to harm a child or destroy the earth with bombs. I believe in a world in which we empower and uplift each other, in which we make it easier for those who come after us.

I believe in a world that acknowledges its true history, and the dangers and ill-effects of racism, colonialism, the Patriarchy, and capitalism. That teaches and educates on the true history and works to create a better future story for all living beings. A world in which we can share and learn from our own stories and the stories of our Ancestors.

I believe in a world where Mother Nature and we are thriving together in a balanced collaboration. Where we honor the plants and animals that keep us alive as the divine beings they are and value all they give us to keep us healthy. I believe in a world where we live sustainably in harmony with Mother Nature. I believe in a world with fresh air and sparkling clean water. I believe in a world without pollution and with great reverence to the Earth.

I believe in a world without private prisons and legalized slave labor. I believe in a world of restorative justice, in which we break the cycles of abuse and fix the broken systems that lead to a life of crime. I believe in a world of rehabilitation and purpose that honors people’s innate skills and abilities to contribute to society for the better. I believe in a trauma-informed world that sees and treats people as whole and not broken.

I believe in an abundant world, with fruits and vegetables that are all grown without pesticides and toxic chemicals, that are full of life force energy that truly nourish and nurture our bodies. I believe in a world where we all have plenty. I believe in a world free of cancer and dis-ease, a world full of health and happiness.

I believe in a world full of art, and music, and poetry, and fashion, and creative inventions that support and empower and inspire humanity. I believe in a world full of laughter, joy, passion, and loving communities. I believe in a world that is continually evolving towards greater personal and collective harmony and liberation.

A Golden future for all.

I will never stop believing in this world. I will never stop working towards this world. I very much believe in the beauty of this world, and I’ll never stop creating and being the energy I wish to experience in the world. I put my energy towards building the world I believe in, and not focused on destroying the current broken systems.

There are A LOT of actions we can take and still honor our own personal gifts, nervous systems, and capacity. Use your energy wisely over these next few years, so you don’t burn yourself out. Take time to rest and tap out of the chaos. We’re tag-teaming this societal evolution, and when you need to tap out, someone else is tapping back in! So don’t stress yourself about always being ‘on.’ We need all of us to stay motivated and strong and soft!

During this chaotic and transitional time, I want you to know…

I can hold your anger. I am angry too, and I love my sacred rage. I channel it with intention, and no longer let it burn me.

I can hold your fear. I am not afraid anymore and I know my purpose and my role. I let my fear guide me towards my desires and then expand on those desires instead of the fear.

I can hold your sadness. I get sad too, my heart aches and grieves too, but they don’t drown me anymore. I have learned to hold my sadness and grief lightly, while I live rooted in my joy.

I can hold your confusion and uncertainty. I have learned to embrace the mystery and see it for the magic it is. I live in surrender and faith, riding the waves of life, knowing everything is unfolding in divine grace.

Your feelings are not a threat, or a problem to be solved. They are the medicine. They are the key to emotional liberation and peace.

Whatever emotion or heaviness you are holding within your body, mind, heart, or soul…I can help you hold. I can teach you how to hold lightly or how to release completely. I can help you shift how you are engaging with this time and all the chaos in our collective.

Because, love, you didn’t come to earth to be scared and overwhelmed or feel alone in your experience. You came here to play, to experiment and fully experience, to learn and grow, and to feel supported throughout your journey!

I honor you and all that you are! Thank you for doing your part to make the world a better, more loving, and more beautiful place!

Are you ready to live a more empowered and embodied life as the radiant woman you were always meant to be? Are you reading to gain confidence, experience greater fulfillment, and live your purpose with a passion and joy for life? Let’s collaborate and make magic together in Private Golden Soul Sessions, apply here today!

Sarah Seraphina is a Spiritual Activator and Liberation Guide. She is the owner of Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping women overcome their past patterns and fears, so they may thrive and live with more power, purpose, ease, and joy. She specializes in working with dreamers, healers, recovering empaths and “Damsels in Distress”, highly-sensitive women, light workers, shadow workers, spiritual baddies, and women with a sacred mission.


Phases of the Goddess Journey: Maiden, Mother, Crone