Understanding Shadow-work and Light-work: Integrating into wholeness and Expanding our Power
You have probably heard the terms Shadow-work and Light-work with the increase of focus on healing, inner work, and spirituality the past few years, but you may not fully understand them and how they differ. These terms have become more popular, as people are waking up to the various wounds and conditioning they have experienced throughout their lives. The current generations are more focused on healing than previous and older generations, who had to focus more on survival. We are moving beyond survival mode and able to transcend into modes of thriving. We are collectively starting to understand trauma and how pain, and mental and emotional wounds, are passed down through family lines. We are beginning to understand how collective trauma impacts us individually, and as a society, and how we can heal and transform these wounds. We are learning how to move beyond the traumas and wounds, and empower ourselves individually, while simultaneously empowering communities at large to thrive!
So, let’s explore Shadow-work and Light-work and their differences…
What is Shadow-work and a Shadow worker?
Individually, Shadow-work is about looking at the places within us where we carry shame. Our “shadows” are the places within us we try to hide, deny, and repress out of fear of being found out, out of fear of being too much or not enough. They are the places within us that we do not like and do not like to acknowledge. They are the places within us that make us feel “bad” and “unlovable,” so we try to pretend we are not these things for fear of being judged and labeled. Most people try to keep their “shadow” parts hidden in the dark. Shadow-work is about bringing those parts into the light and integrating them back into our identity. We all carry fears, doubts, thoughts and behaviors we wish we didn’t have. Shadow-work is about owning these parts of ourselves and removing the shame around them. It is about embracing our “shadows” as lovable and worthy of being expressed.
For example, I have lived most of my life afraid of speaking and standing up for myself. I felt the need to comfort everyone around me, at the expense of myself, by always being good and kind, even when I was angry or hurt. I had to learn that I am entitled to my anger, and I don’t always have to be a “good girl,” and people-pleasing everyone else. Part of my shadow-work was taking ownership of my hurt and anger and expressing it in healthy ways. I had to stop pushing it down and letting it fester within me. This wasn’t pretty at first, but it was so necessary and powerful to do. I had to learn that I deserved to be comfortable in my own body and in my own life, and that I didn’t have to make people who hurt me feel safe.
In shadow-work we want to come into wholeness through integrating these parts back within our lives. We take our power back through acknowledging our “weaknesses” and our “shortcomings,” and how we can build upon these parts of ourselves. We work to become aware of these parts, in order to be more wise and balanced people. We want to be considerate of how these areas have created challenges within our lives or made us feel unworthy. When we integrate these parts of ourselves back into wholeness, we can feel more worthy and more accepting of ourselves. Shadow-work is about allowing ourselves to be multi-dimensional and multi-faceted beings. Shadow-work is about dropping our shields to see ourselves fully and clearly.
It is my belief that we are not darkness, we are light, however, we can let the world make us feel we are bad and evil, therefore acting in ways that perpetuate our “badness,” and feeling we must overcome these parts. Shadow-work is about accepting and loving who you are, as a messy and imperfect person, and knowing this is enough. That you are perfect as you are, in all forms of you. Shadow-work is a healing process. Shadow-work is about releasing all the lies you have been told about who you are, and it is about coming home to the truth of who you really are: A Soul having a Human experience to learn, grow, and evolve; A child of the Universe and worthy of dignity, grace, love, and peace; A being of light.
Collectively, Shadow-work is about facing the pain, traumas, and illusions that exist within our society. Such as, the illusion some people are better than others, or that wealthy people work harder than “poor” people. For society, Shadow-work is about looking at systems that hold people back and oppress people or certain groups of people. It is about acknowledging systems of the Patriarchy and how these systems have perpetuated harm. It is about acknowledging the truth of the trauma and horrors these systems have created in our society, and looking at the work needed to create more loving, inclusive, and equitable systems through community care and empowerment. We can help individually by witnessing and acknowledging the harm that has been perpetuated against specific groups, like black people, indigenous people, and LGBTQ groups, and by showing up for marginalized groups with love and openness. By acknowledging the horrors and oppression and speaking out about them, we can free these experiences from our collective psyche. Your own shadow-work creates ripples that open the door for our society and the world, as a whole, to heal.
Some souls came to Earth during this time to be Shadow-workers, so they are more focused on seeing and healing the shadows that exist within the lineages they were born into and in the collective. They are here to see the broken parts of society and clear the collective trauma that has been passed down through generations. This is part of their purpose and soul mission.
What is Light-work and a Light worker?
While shadow-work is more about healing, light-work is about empowering and expanding. Individually, light-work is about owning our light, our beauty, our joy, our pleasure, our love and expanding these energies into our lives. It is about embracing and acknowledging the Divinity and beauty within and around us, and in doing so, expanding these energies in our lives. Light-work is about cherishing ourselves and believing in our innate goodness. It is about knowing we are pure, limitless, and infinite creators of our reality. It is about embracing ourselves as the miracles and magic we are, and how we have the power to create beautiful experiences for ourselves and others. Light-work is about shining our beautiful hearts into our lives and the lives of others. It is about seeing ourselves and others as children of the universe and creations of Divine Source. It is about knowing our innate strengths and gifts and using these to uplift ourselves and those around us. Light-work focuses on our positive aspects and using these to create better, brighter, and more passionate lives for ourselves.
An example of doing light-work in my own life was to see myself through my own lens and letting go of seeing myself how others perceive me. In doing so, I was able to see how beautiful my heart is and how deeply I love and cherish others. In seeing myself through my own lens I was able to see how others had projected their wounds onto me, and let those identities go, which allowed me to see myself clearly, and take up more space as my true, intuitive self. I let go of how others define me, and no longer put other’s limitations on me. I value myself as the woman I am, and only I define myself, and who that is an ever evolving being. Light-work is about celebrating ourselves for who we are and sharing the beauty of ourselves with others.
Collectively, Light-work is about knowing the potential we have to be a great force of good in the world. It is about bringing a more harmonious world into being. It is about working towards and creating a more loving, just, and equitable world for all beings. A world where Mother Earth and all her plants and animals are valued for their contributions. A world where all people have a safe place to live, clean drinking water, fresh and nutritious foods, access to education and the resources needed to thrive, not simply survive. A world where we make it easy for people to thrive and not barely scrape by. Light-work is about envisioning this world and bringing it into being through the power of our intentions and actions. Light-work is about being the change we wish to see in the world. When we empower and appreciate ourselves, we can more easily empower and uplift others.
Collective light-work is about building stronger, more loving, and more resourced communities. It is about collaborating with people who have different gifts and talents than us to create something together that we could never accomplish alone. Light-work is in service to creating something better. It is about knowing all people are worthy of love, of grace, of kindness, and compassion. Light-work is a celebration of our uniqueness and how our differences make us stronger, not weaker. Light-work is about having open hearts and minds and being willing to learn from others.
For Light-workers, their soul mission is to create more love and expand the light that is embodied on the Earth at this time. They are here to shine their light as bright as they can and bring more beauty, pleasure, and joy to the world. Light-workers are here to create a bridge from Heaven to Earth. To draw down Divine energies and expand those frequencies within themselves and around the world. They are here to model and illuminate the way and teach others to do the same.
Some souls have a mission for both shadow-work and light-work. They balance both these energies and help humanity do the same, while other souls focus on one more than the other. Both Shadow-work and Light-work are needed and necessary for our world to evolve and improve into its fullest and greatest potential. As we do the inner work, we impact the whole world. It’s a powerful gift we give to ourselves and each other!
I hope this blog has given you a greater understanding of these terms and how they are alike and different. Do you connect with one more than the other? Would you like support in healing your shadows and expanding fully into your light? Click here to learn more about working with me!
Sarah Seraphina is a Spiritual Activator and Liberation Guide. She is the owner of Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping women overcome their past patterns and fears, so they may thrive and live with more power, purpose, ease, and joy. She specializes in working with dreamers, healers, recovering empaths and “Damsels in Distress”, highly-sensitive women, light workers, shadow workers, and women with a sacred mission.